Future Focus Report 2024. Can you trust your data?
Data quality now tops the agenda in corporate, trust and fund services in 2024.
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Professional Time And Billing

Unlike generic time and billing software, Viewpoint ‘Practice Management is completely entity management and professional service provider focused, having been developed hand in hand for 20+ years with entity management finance professionals all over the world.

Key Features


Connect Practice Management is the ‘Best of Breed’ Practice Management Solution available to cater for Entity Management and Professional Service Providers - including Matter Management, chargeable and non-chargeable services, matter WIP billing limits, multiple service company billing.

Wip & Time

An intuitive timesheet with excellent user experience and superb WIP management capabilities. For 20+ years we have incrementally improved its time recording features incorporating user KPI analysis, chargeability, time to fixed fees, de minimis thresholds, roll-over options, matter assignment, copy entries, workflow linking, default user text and others.


Recognising that providers often have multiple service / billing entities servicing different business lines, matters and clients, Practice Management provides the ability to have an unlimited number of 'service/invoicing/ billing entities'. Any client record can have multiple services companies assigned with either matter specific and/or general services chargeable.


A fully featured multi-currency billing solution is an absolute must for most entity and professional service providers. Connect Practice Management billing features include multi-currency at every level, including point in time FX rates, services, matters, reporting, invoices and receipts.

Quality And Accuracy

Finance Documents such as Invoices, receipts Debtor Statements etc are maintained in either Excel or Word format making them very easy to customise to get your exact requirements. The template approach also allows for an enormous range of detail configuration options on what content – detail or summary – are to be displayed on each document.

Recurring/Fixed Fees

Advanced capabilities include features such as linked matters and projects, advance vs arrears charging, auto-pro-rating, de minimis thresholds, multiple service company assignment and WIP to Fixed Fee assignment/balances.

Client Fee Profiles

Efficient and consistent fee standardisation that delivers the essential flexibility of issuing specific client service fees in accordance with each client’s unique arrangements.


Whether processing by per entity, service company, client, date range or globally Practice Management’s ‘Business As Usual’ finance capabilities and processes are intuitive, efficient, effortless and stress-free.

Finance BI

Exceptional finance related Business Intelligence capabilities with client configurable AR, AP and WIP dashboards, Best of Breed standard report library, excel-based reporting, detailed enquiry screens, user alerts and more.